MOSS upgrade moving installations to the new farm

Moving Installations to a New Farm for SharePoint 2007 (MOSS 2007)

A step by step guide how to detect the current MOSS 2007 farm installations, customization diversity and how to install them on the new SharePoint 2010 farm

MOSS upgrade moving installations to the new farm

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The web server installations

If you reached this post, you should have fair knowledge about your old MOSS 2007 farm and its topology from the previous post MOSS 2007 upgrade - SharePoint 2010 new farm topology and specifications

Now it's time to check all the current installations on the MOSS 2007 farm and find out if we can reinstall them to the new SharePoint 2010 or if we can just look for a corresponding new version for this installation that matches the new software specifications in the new SharePoint 2010 farm. 

Knowing your SharePoint server from the previous post, follow these steps to check the current installations.

  1. Log into the server.
  2. Click Start, then All Programs.
  3. Check every installation in All Programs and list them.

Installations and versions

Keeping a list of all installations from the previous step, check every item in the list if it will need a higher version for SharePoint 2010 new farm. For example, if you found Office 2007 installed on the old farm then you will need to install the higher version Office 2010. 

Likewise, for the Team Foundation Server, you will need Team Foundation Server 2010 for SharePoint 2010.

You should prepare your installations list with the new versions for SharePoint 2010 and install them to the new farm before going into migrating the web applications and applying customizations.

In the next post, the SharePoint customizations and applying them to the new farm will be illustrated in SharePoint 2007 upgrade - Applying SharePoint customizations

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MOSS upgrade moving installations to the new farm
Fady Soliman
Fady SolimanMember since
Jun 22, 2013
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